USEA Area III Seeks Nominations for Chairperson

Area III is seeking nominations for Area Chair.  Each USEA Area has an Area Chairperson who serves for a three‐year period. 

  • The Area Council will review and vote on nominations.  The council approved nominee becomes the Chair-Elect and will serve as the Assistant Area Chair until December 2023.  In December 2023, and with approval of the USEA Board of Governors, the Chair-Elect becomes the Area Chair for the period December 2023 – December 2026.  This is a volunteer position.  

  • Previous experience as an eventing official, organizer, USEA committee member or Area Council member is preferred.

  • The Area Chair represents the Area during USEA meetings, convention and conference calls; disseminates and facilitates communication between Area Organizers, Area Council members and the USEA; leads the scheduling and conflict resolution with regards to the Area’s competition calendar; oversees and approves Area programs and financials; appoints individuals to serve on the Area Council; schedules/chairs Area Council meetings, the annual Area Meeting, and Area Organizers meeting.  

To nominate a candidate, first secure the permission from the person to be nominated. Submit nominations to, and include the information below. 

1) Name 

2) Address, and phone numbers 

3) Brief description of occupation/expertise (knowledge, skills, and abilities) 

4) Brief description of equestrian history 

Nominations will be accepted until July 20, 2022.  Questions may be directed to the Nominating Committee: Emily Holmes, Cyndi Kurth, or Cindy Phillips. See the Area III representatives contacts list for contact information.